Well, i realise that i write my blog everyday since dont know when is the day. Oh yeah, today is my 2nd day for diet. Still the same, only have wholemeal bread and fruits whole the day.
I was addicted in beauty since i came here. It is maybe saw a lot of taiwanese girl here. Erm.. took a lot of pics this few days. Im wonder why. It started suddenly and end lazily. Oh.. i think about him suddenly in my mind. I remebered my first time met him was when im primary 5 during the J-kids camp. Im keep looking at him until the program end. It's crazy. Now, he still the same, lovely and is welcoming by girls. Well, im one of them im think. LOL. I just recognised the boy is him this year when he passed by.
Erm.. i knew some of his stories from friends and i was shocked when i heard it. Erm.. i know that i cant replace for the place and i wonder why how are you guys break up so easily. It is not easy to been together but why just end up so easily? I remembered the moment. Well, eventhough it's only a moment but instead of nothing. Im really apperciate it. Really really~
I felt strange when i wrote these but these are the truth anyway. I hope the person is you.
ps: just ignore about my pic
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