Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's pain!

LOL~ there was something on my mouth. Who cares. Haha. I feel different when i put on this kind of make-up. A different life which i dont know how it goes. It seems like everyone almost has the same characteristic, but however there are a lot difference.

The easiet way to describe is major and minor. We group character as two groups which are the major and minor a.k.a calefei. Obviously, the one who has the prettiest face no matter does he/she has any ability,  they always always will be the main. In fact, it shows we judge people by the first sight of their face. This is what human being.

Took that with Mama. I'm so glad that they came for me. I'm really really glad that eventually i got the chance to show them my effort. I'm not really really a good dancer or born to be, but at least i try harder than anyone to perform the best as i can. I join dance not for interest or fun, but because of money. It sounds 'cheap', but who cares. You might feel cheap, but do you feel good when you have no money?

Dont spend much when you're not earning your own money. Please always remember it's not easy to earn money. You can buy whatever you want without thinking whose money is that, im sure your next generation will be the same as you. Definitely, i do not mean that you cant buy something expensive like branded. But, it's alright if once in a blue moon. Eventhough branded things are always expensive, but they can stay longer than those cheaper things. < only some