Well, i just finished packing my luggage and those important things. Today is my last day to being here and of course i have to write about my last day here as a memory.
Erm.. anyway, i have to back to the place again after a week. I have to make a recorrection here, ''i hope i wont back to the place again'' the words that i wrote in my previous post, the place mean school. Well, im sick of that school. Teachers and facilities there are so terrible.So that's why i hate it.
Erm..went to Gold Coast this morning and had my Starbuck drink there. Finally i can have Starbuck at Gold Coast and this was the third time i'm having starbuck in Australia. It's quite proud for myself. I mean it makes me happy a lot.
By the way, we back home at 11++p.m. It's kinda late. Went for late-dinner at Cafe21. Wow~ It's quite a classical place. Those security must be looking on my legs first, because im wearing sandal. Actually, people who wearing sandal cant go in. But maybe mine still look good, not so worst yet.
Going back home tomorrow~ ]
It's a lot, post them up next time
Bye Australia Bye Brisbane Bye Queensland Bye Montezumad
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