Days gone really fast. Well, i'm coming back soon and back to the origin again. Oh God.. i hate it. Just change for a month, that's not fun. By the way, stay in this big city for a few weeks. Realise that i had became one of them. A busy road, busy street, busy footwalk...
That's no any disadvantage to stay here but maybe except those living costs. Anyway, it is paid by week and high salary. That's not a problem.
Oh.. think for the next year, i worry about that so much. Hope to continue staying and study here. But thats impossible.
Oh yeah~ today is my last day for diet. Actually it may be tomorrow, but because of it is too too too busy, we change it to today. Between, i had loose for 2kgs. That is so so much.. WTH~ Back to the normal instead of nothing.
Tomorrow work for whole day. OMG~ Tired.. need awake early..
ps: 李美~ 我的興趣不是讀書。有沒有搞錯啊~LoL
nt meh ? =P
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