Monday, December 20, 2010

To be continued

Time always flies away, without telling us when it goes,. Only a moment, here come December! Another few days more, here we go 2011. Is not a excitement for me though, I feel quite upset. Dont know why, actually i know but just do not feel like wanna say it here.

Walked to the city after finished watching The Social Network. It was quite fun walking alone with your own DSLR. It feels extraordinary, for me. I took every single things around me. It was super duber fun.


The view of Brisbane city. Actually, Brisbane lifestyle is quite same as KL's. The transportations are so convenience, the food are EXTREMELY expensive. Well, not as expensive as KL's. The huge difference is people here are so niceee, less malay and there are many Taiwanese here. LOL! It's not that hard to have an Asian friend. 

I love this, but the only was spoiled is the angle. Not pro yet, maybe a few years later. Arg~! Mum, i want to change lens! I told my mum this when i bought my ECHO, she pretended like she's going to buy that for me. < H-O-P-E-F-U-L-L-Y!  Oh yeah, actually i planned to buy nikon D5000, but the stupid staff said D500 is better because the MP is bigger and lighter. The prices are almost same anyway. Sorry Nikon, will support you when my children need it, maybe 15 years later?

My favourite outwear! We're celebrating our 1 year anniversary.

Accidentally took this picture.

An Indian man walked passed me and said something stupid. Something like Ohh, u're alone too. No one help to take pic. BLA~BLA~ but luckily he quite not bad, before he walked away, he asked me do you want me to help you take pic. Ermm~ i wanted to.. but... no thanks. I am so bad luck! If he is a very good looking taiwanese/korean/japanese guy, definitely i will say YES without thinking. Arg, my white prince where are you?!

Walked along the street, accidentally found there's Woolworth's. Wuuu~ time to be housewife. I searched and searched, have no idea what to buy, but my mind told me that you had a lot things to buy. I spent nearly an hour in it if im not mistaken. I found the cheaper and put back the one i took previously. I found the cheap one not that good and go and grab the one more expensive. WTH! Money and quality~

Ended up buying these things. Banana, eggs, milk, sausages and bread from BreadTop! The eggs i only used 3 or 4 of them only. I dont know why do i bought these stuffs. Anyway, Malaysia is so so so so OUTDATED! I checkout throught a self-checkout machine. It's so so so fun! It's a little machine, you scan the items that you have grabbed and put the money in a small box. Erm, i dont know how to describe the process. *paiseh

By the way, imma quite happy now! Eventually i got my IELST result. It's a huge huge surprise, THANKS GOD SO MUCH! Overall i got 6.5 band out of 9. Wow, immma was shocked when i saw that. Amazing! I took the Academic one which people take this to entry undergraduate or postgraduate level, normally they need 7 to enter uni. Wow! i'm quite proud of myself the moment i read the letter. 

Ps:// I'm going back this midnight.. Bye Brisbane, Bye Jemma, Bye Annesu, Bye Joy & Isaac, Bye aunt & unc, Bye Summit, Bye Greg, Bye Eve, Bye Kong!