Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sometimes i might be crazy

Obviously i do not have any nicer pic recently. Skin bad, over-blacked hair, fat looking, black circle ~ It's new year eve! we're going to February and CHINESE NEW YEAR. Seriously i feel whatever even there's CNY. I can't enjoy the happiness of chinese new year as chinese should do. It makes me feel like '' SO WHAT? It still a day that we have to pass '' The new generation's thinking may be ?

Guess what, i havent finish my berbukit-bukit homeworks yet. I hate the feeling which kind like make me cant really enjoy the wonderful holidays. Somemore, there were something terrible happened these few days. Upset upset upset!! Tears tears tears!! 

To my dearest friends > Sometimes i might be very very crazy which very very annoying, dont say no, even myself feel that way too. Forgive me and just let me do it, because this is only the way and time i can have the happiness. Not trying to be emo but just trying to explain that im not acting to make fun for you guys.  

Alright then, time to bath!

Gong Xi Fa Cai~!!