Sunday, January 9, 2011


HAHA! I have posted always every posts about the same topics. Well, here i go :

Yesterday was Amanda's day, so how's the surprise? LOL~ Had her bithrday celebration in a very special place. Hope you enjoy that. Arg~ i love the cake! The ice-cream yam cake~ It tastes not that nice, but i have not eat ice-cream cake for a long time. 

When time turn into 11++, we got out from the place and it's time for the birthday girl to go back. Time is money! LOL~ sorry, direct translate, broken english~ The left of us decided to go to have some chinese tea before going back. On the way, i received a call from my mum. I was thinking wasnt she was going to nag me because of i still havent get back as it's midnight that time. I answered the call and was expected the one which i was thinking. Apparently, i was wrong, i heard the care from my family. My mum said to me that grandpa was asking me to going back earlier and be careful when walking around. Yesh! I heard the love from them~ The true love!

The words melted my heart. That time was nearly midnight, as usual, grandpa must be on his soft bed and having his beauty sleep. I know he just woke up because of me. The first time in my 16years old life! I know it's a normal thingy, but for me it's not.

This time is talking about my grandpa not my mum. LOL~ change watak! My grandpa is a quite ''kiam siap'' guy. He always save and try to not spend too much. Well, he only does this on himself, but with us, he never be stingy. Erm, sometimes he does, but mostly he doesnt~ LOL. I asked him to buy a M.B.A for me as the present of my results and my laptop is going to be dead. I told him the price and also told him that i started falling in love with it when i first saw it in David John, QLD, AUS. I love that~ Without thinking too long, he said yes! yeah, he said yes! Definitely out of my surprise, i thought he would say dont waste that money, you already have a laptop. Arg, thanks god! However, he added '' but after he opened his new business '' at the end of his words. Alright, nevermind~ i can be patient of that, just a couple of months only.

I was thinking should i continue? But my mind tell me that, NO.

Alright then, GOODNIGHT~