Sunday, May 18, 2014

Once an Update

It's Mother's Day today, and it's Sunday. Well, i just realise how long have i didn't update my blog. 
I used to update it at least twice a month or so. Things changed, change. Same as for person. 
To be honest, I have extremely great fear of making friends, or close friends should I say.
I am not perfect. Well, I know no one in this world is. 
I don't call myself a generous person thou. I have a lot of imperfections. 
If you put me in a crowd of strangers, trust me, I'll only put myself in my position. 
Sometimes, I rather choose to do things alone, no matter how difficult it is. 
Well, except for some events/occasions, when I'm really having hard times and it's out of my zone. Then, thats the only time when reality forces me to move forward - away from my conform zone. 
It's not that I don't like to socialise, I do. It's just that I'm afraid of people left me or hurt me, whether directly or in a indirect way, when my true self is revealed.
 I know myself better than anyone else. 
My attitude, temper, bitch-ness etc. I want to keep people with me.
I want them to be my close friends. However, when one is close with one another, criticism issues tend to happen more. It ends, but again, happens.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


剛從泰國之旅回來 新年逼近 就越覺得焦慮 失眠已成常事 心更是常砰砰地跳
不停地在倒數著 不停地在想策略逃避

曾想過出國逃避 順便完成自己背包客的夢想 曾試著不刻意地和媽媽說起
果然 吵了好大一架 我媽說我自私 我說她不體諒
現在只要一閉著眼睛 仿佛能聽到看到 那把尖銳刺耳的刀

我常想 我的未來 為什麼需要向別人交代 為什麼需要被人批評 為什麼需要被人當作一個話題
我只能說 步步驚心 或許我和別人不一樣 每一個家庭都有屬於它自己的缺陷
我們總羨慕著其他人 那是因為在那一瞬間 我們只看到 他們光亮的那一面
我們的缺陷 或許在哪個我們不知道的瞬間 也成了別人羨慕的「那一樣羨慕品」

此刻的我 最需要的是勇氣~