Just got back from Jenny's birthday an hour ago. Doing nothing browsing around the Internet. Just remembered that I've left my blog dead. It's April now! And we are heading to May a couple weeks later. Can you believe it? No, I can't!
It's just too too too fast for me. I thought the Bersih 2.0 activity was just few months ago, but indeed it was on the 9th of July, 2011. OMG!! It's been nearly a year. Well, just for your information, the next Bersih 2.0 activity will be on the 28th of April, 2012.
I've lost my soul in these few months. To be exact, it is more than 'few' in English grammar term. Doing nothing everyday except for classes and tuitions, business was left behind, just lie on the bed once i got back home...etc. I always have a reason for myself - time for rest, Paula. And with this reason, everything was left behind, everything. As a result, they were ruined at last.
I thought it gonna be better once I got back from my holidays. Somehow, it goes to the contrast way. Insomnia for the every nights. To make it better, I need to have my iPod on when I sleep. It's just tough.
Celebrated mum's birthday on this Tuesday. Actually I decided to plan a surprise for her, somehow it was a fail. The mood-less body made my laziness. I called to the restaurant instead of went there myself. I told them i was going to celebrate my mum's birthday there and I hope there was something special for her. I asked for the decorations and cake as well. Everything on that night was just perfect. The decorations were just like what I expected it to be, the cake tasted special instead of nice, the food was good.
Finally, one of my wish-list has been done. I love you Mum, Grandpa&Grandma, Auntie Mimi&Uncle Ben and Uncle Hen. I feel so so so proud to be one of the member of this little tiny family. Everyone in the family just love me much. They will get me whatever I want. Every one of them. God will pays you back when he takes something from you. It might not be the best, but i'm sure it is the most meaningful.